Hey huggers! Meet Checo. He's always loved adventuring in the outdoors and owns a lot of gear that requires upkeep with petroleum-based lubricants that have no place in nature. Checo wanted a way to make his gear last, keeping it out of the landfill without harming the planet. Gear Hugger has spent years developing new technology to create a powerful performance-driven lubricant from plants. Today his gear is going strong and every time he hits the trails, he feels like he's making a difference. Join Checo to create a low-waste, less toxic future!
Products That Are Powered with Plant-Based Ingredients.
If it's broken, fix it. Better yet, maintain it so it doesn't break and stays out of the bin.
If you own it, use it. Savor the doing more than accumulating. Pass it along to someone who needs it.
If you don't need it, don't buy it. And, if you do, buy quality.
Remove the oiliest goo, shine your scuffed shoe and put stuck parts back in working order to magically restore your gear and keep it out of the landfill.
Gear Hugger breaks down heavy grease, grime and dirt – from engines to appliances. It’s the high-performance plants (or bio solvents) that make it strong enough to work quickly, yet safe enough for most surfaces.
Gear Hugger has super lube power because it’s made from plants! A plant’s viscosity is higher than petroleum, allowing it to better penetrate moving parts like gears, wheels, chains, tracks and hinges.
Gear Hugger acts like an invisible shield laying down a thin barrier of plant-based oils with heavy-duty antioxidant properties that don’t evaporate. It stays in place to displace moisture and protect against environmental conditions that cause rust and corrosion.