Elderberry Gummies

Elderberry Gummies

Total Time: 02h 00m
Hands-on Time: 00h 10m
Makes: 4 - 6 servings

Homemade gummy bears are a fun and easy way to take elderberries with you wherever you go. Make your own wholesome elderberry syrup for these gummies with our Elderberry and Herb Blend for Syrup, or with straight elderberries using this recipe: Homemade Elderberry Syrup

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  • 1 cup elderberry syrup
  • 1/4 cup gelatin powder
  • 1/2 cup hot but not boiling water
  • Silicone gummy bear molds


  1. In a small bowl, add 1/4 cup cooled elderberry syrup; sprinkle gelatin powder over surface (not in a pile) and quickly whisk in until dissolved.
  2. Add hot water and stir quickly until smooth.
  3. Add remaining elderberry syrup and whisk until completely smooth.
  4. Pour into molds and place in refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours or until completely firm.
  5. Pop out of molds and store in airtight container with parchment paper between layers.
  1. Take 1 to 2 gummies daily; store in refrigerator for 2 to 3 weeks.